Thursday, October 30, 2008

iPhone 3G, BlackBerry Storm and T-Mobile G1 Price Cuts

iPhone 3G, BlackBerry Storm and T-Mobile G1 Price Cuts<br />Looks like the consumers is about to get some good deals for a change with the possibility of a pricing war being whispered. Needham Research analyst Charlie Wolf is saying Apple can afford to drop the price of the Apple iPhone 3G to just $99.00 if necessary.

If Apple were to drop the price of the Apple iPhone 3G, the high price structure of RIM and their BlackBerry Bold at $299.99 and their new BlackBerry Storm, the lowering of the Apple iPhone 3G’s price would hurt them some.

As for the latest smartphone out there, the Google Android T-Mobile G1, well if rumour is correct, they have no qualms whatsoever in dropping the price down to $148.88 for such big names as Wal-Mart.

Source – i4u

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