Thursday, October 30, 2008

BlackBerry gets Sexy with exclusive adult entertainment network Pinota

BlackBerry gets Sexy with exclusive adult entertainment network PinotaOk so you’re an adult, and you own a BlackBerry, so maybe you may like to see a touch of adult stuff now and then, and why not there’s nothing wrong in that is there. So if you fancy a bit of adult entertainment hitting your BlackBerry you may be interested in this…

Pinota is the first adult entertainment network built exclusively for the BlackBerry smartphone, and between October 22nd through till October 31st Pinota will be accepting apps for 100 first Beta testers to test run the site in November.

All first round Beta testers of this new Blackberry orientated adult entertainment site will receive a year’s exclusive membership which will allow them to view videos, photo galleries and get daily updates.

So there you go folks, BlackBerry gets down and dirty in the adult entertainment business.

Source – crackberry

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