Thursday, October 30, 2008

Samsung Glyde sales pulled by Verizon for unknown issues

Samsung Glyde sales pulled by Verizon for unknown issues
Verizon has informed their staff that the Samsung Glyde should be pulled from shelves immediately due to issues. Now just what issues these might be we have no idea, could be tech issues, intimacy issues, even magazine issues.

Whatever the issues is seem to be pretty bad because Verizon will not even let an owner have their Samsung Glyde back if they send one in for service, and offer an enV2 in its place.
Samsung Glyde sales pulled by Verizon for unknown issues
It is not known just what is going on with Verizon and the Samsung Glyde but it looks to be fairly big. The information was gained from a Verizon customer service call centre, and it’s not too clear if 3rd-party or corporate stores will be told to pull their stock as well.

Source – engadget

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