Thursday, October 30, 2008

BlackBerry Release Dates Roundup: Bold, Pearl and Storm

BlackBerry Release Dates Roundup: Bold, Pearl and StormThere are of course several new BlackBerry smartphones being eagerly expected from Research In Motion, eager BlackBerry hopefuls await the release date of their favoured BlackBerry, be it Bold, Storm, or Pearl.

However, we now have some news that will please those Blackberry hopefuls, a quick round up of confirmed and rumoured Blackberry release dates which have been doing the rounds of the net waves.

The BlackBerry Pearl 8220 on Rogers ships on 29th of October - - the BlackBerry Bold on AT&T ships 4th November - - The BlackBerry Storm on Verizon ships everywhere 17th November but Best Buy gets it on the 16th and corporate stores the 15th - - The BlackBerry Storm on Vodafone ships 11th November - - and the BlackBerry Storm on Bell ships 21st November.

Source – crackberry

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