Friday, October 31, 2008

HTC Touch Diamond un-boxed and coming to Alltel?

HTC Touch Diamond un-boxed and coming to Alltel?The HTC Touch Diamond has received the un-boxing treatment over at Howard Forums, and have several cool images posted showing off the Touch Diamonds cool touch-screen display. The HTC Touch Diamond also offers 3G goodness along with WiFi and GPS and of course there’s its 3.2 megapixel camera.
HTC Touch Diamond un-boxed and coming to Alltel?
Sprint is the big boy currently carrying the HTC Touch Diamond with its CDMA innards, so unless you wish to fork out a few bucks for an unlocked version, Sprint is the only player in town, but that is soon to change.

As from this un-boxing we find that the HTC Touch Diamond is coming to Sprint CDMA rival Alltel. The Alltel HTC Touch Diamond hasn’t been announced as yet but you can quite clearly see the box says Alltel.

Source – howardforums

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