Thursday, October 30, 2008

T-Mobile store staff seem to be confused about G1

HT-Mobile store staff seem to be confused about G1<br />UnIt would appear that certain T-Mobile staff aren’t all that up on the Google Android T-Mobile G1, for some reason they seemed to be somewhat confused about the G1 when a customer came into the store asking for one.

Apparently Neil Gaiman wanted a T-Mobile G1 mobile phone and decided he wanted the hands-on approach before buying the new Google Android handset rather than buying it the impersonal way via the internet.

Gaiman, asked if he could play with a G1 to which the reply was they didn’t have one. He then asked when they would have one, to which they replied they won’t be getting any in. This came as a bit of a surprise as there where large posters all over the shop advertising the G1.

On mentioning this, Gaiman was told…“No. We won’t sell it. We’re out of the range and the Google and things that the phone comes with, they won’t work on it.”

To find out whether Gaiman actually got hold of a T-mobile G1 or if the T-Mobile staff finally realised T-Mobile sold the G1 go here.

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