Thursday, October 30, 2008

India growth: Mobile subscriptions to reach half billion by 2010

India growth: Mobile subscriptions to reach half billion by 2010India is seeing a huge growth in mobile phone subscriptions according to Informa Telecoms and Media, with an estimated half a billion having a mobile subscription by the end of September 2010.

India took a while to get going in the mobile phone industry with its first 250 million subscriptions taking 13 years to build up. But according to the report the second 250 million mobile phone subscriptions should take just 30 months to fulfill.

As India see’s tougher mobile competition with cheap handsets and low tariffs, the penetration rate being 26 percent in India it’s a very desirable investment location. It’s also said that India will move into a second area for growth with the Indian regulator awarding 3G licenses to India’s biggest operators in 2009.

Source: intomobile

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