Thursday, October 30, 2008

BlackBerry Storm Vs Android G1: RIM Wins

BlackBerry Storm Vs Android G1: RIM WinsAccording to users’ searches it looks as if Research In Motion’s BlackBerry Storm is grabbing more interest than the Google Android T-Mobile G1. Admittedly these user searches are in the US where the T-Mobile G1 has been out for a while and obviously interest has dropped somewhat.

But having said that, nearly 4 times more people have been searching “BlackBerry Storm” as compared to the term “G1” according to figures comprised by analytics company Hitwise; the trend appears to be looking for information about the BlackBerry Storm from carriers and RIM on release dates.

Other findings show that people are more interested in referring to the G1 as the “Google Phone” which may tick off T-Mobile a bit. And searches indicate that people are searching for opinions and reviews of the Android based G1. So I guess Google and T-Mobile may have to think about generation a bit more interest otherwise the BlackBerry Storm just may overshadow.

Source – techradar

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