Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where are the Triple-A Game Titles on the Apple iPhone?

Where are the Triple-A Game Titles on the Apple iPhone?Why does the Apple iPhone not have many Triple-A Game Titles? Alexandre de Rochefort CFO of Gameloft in an interview with asked that exact question and said that they were amazed at the absence of these big-budget games on the iPhone.

He also talked about that small developers are responsible for most of the mobile games, and that there are only about 15 games that they would brand as Triple-A title, although he did go onto say that we will be seeing a lot more Triple-A titles coming out soon.

Gameloft are not doing to badly out of the iPhone, with the App Store being its largest single sales channel, beating other main mobile operator partners. Rochefort also said that he thinks the small developers will be pushed out of the mobile gaming market by the big publishers, as he said why would someone pay £1 or £2 pound for a very basic game when they can pay £4 or £5 and get the real experience of gaming from the big publishers.
Source: PocketGamer

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