Thursday, November 6, 2008

Are you ready for NYC BlackBerry Storm Hunt?

Are you ready for NYC BlackBerry Storm Hunt?Apparently the Verizon BlackBerry Storm hunt page over at Verizon Wireless has been updated to show a map with numbers over it, and each location number offers a message, why I have no idea but there you go.

The Verizon Wireless BlackBerry Storm Hunt begins today, well actually later tonight if you’re over in the States as its still the 5th of November over there, and the hunt for the BlackBerry Storm will continue until the 15th of November.

So, do you live near where the BlackBerry Storm hunt is taking place, fancy having a go at winning one? Then nip on over to the Verizon Wireless website and hit on NYC Storm Hunt and go to the sign up page.
Source – Verizon

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