Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Give your iPhone more Battery life and a camera flash with FastMac

Yes there really is a gadget out there that will give your iPhone a new lease of life, well at the expense of looking so sexy, but hey can’t have everything. The iPhone gadget we are talking about is the FastMac which will give you a camera flash plus it has another usage as a flash light, but most importantly the FastMac will give you 31 hours of standby on iPhones and iPhones 3G, 24 hour talk time, or you can listen to 72 hours of audio or 20 hours of video.

Another great thing about the FastMac is that it gives you the facility to charge your Bluetooth headset from the iPhone. So does it sound good to you? If you want one of these iV charging sets then it will set you back $79.50 but one word of warning it will make your iPhone look chunky but if performance comes before looks then I would suggest you get yourself a FastMac kit.
Source: engadgetmobile

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