Wednesday, November 5, 2008

T-Mobile G1 AIM Issue: Solve this problem

T-Mobile G1 AIM Issue: Solve this problemA T-Mobile G1 user over on the android community website has been experiencing a problem with his AIM on his Google G1 so we thought we would see if phones review readers have had the same problem.

Basically when someone sends him a IM on his G1 the message shows up with his name in it as if is the sender, so he can never see who has actually send him the IM. It is a huge problem for him as he has over 100 people stored on his IM even though he can only have 60 people logged in at once trying to guess who sent him the message is not only time consuming but frustrating.

As he feels he is stuck using his default mail client on the G1, he has asked if anyone else had this problem with their T-Mobile G1? Or has anybody found a way to rectify it or is it a case of a faulty G1?
Source: androidcommunity

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