Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rumour: Apple iPhone Pwnage Tool blocked by new MacBooks?

Rumour: Apple iPhone Pwnage Tool blocked by new MacBooks?Obviously every time Apple pushes out a new firmware update for the Apple iPhone and Apple iPod Touch, it includes stuff to seal the exploits used by the iPhone Dev Team in their attempts to Pwn the iPhone and iPod Touch.

There are unconfirmed reports going round that there is a problem running the Pwnage Tool on the new Apple MacBooks, and that they don’t seem to be able to recognise an Apple iPhone or iPod Touch when booted into DFU mode, which is a vital for jailbreaking.

The Pwnage Tool still runs on the MacBooks and those that have a pre-modified fiemware created on a different Mac or Windows machine can restore the iPhone and iPod Touch to a jailbroken state, but it appears that the creation of modified firmware, which is the main reason for the Pwwnage Tool has been stopped.
Source – gizmodo

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