Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Motorola blocks selling of AURA on eBay: New contract forbids

Motorola blocks selling of AURA on eBay: New contract forbidsIt looks like Motorola are trying to put some official blocks on the selling of their mobile handset the Motorola AURA on second hand channels such as eBay. The word is anyone purchasing a Motorola AURA will be required by Motorola to sign a contract which basically forbids them from selling on their handset in the secondary market.

The idea is that when you wish to sell your Motorola AURA, you sell it back to Motorola under the signed agreement, but there is no indication just how much Motorola is willing to buy the mobile phone back for.

Apparently this move to keep the Motorola AURA off places like eBay is an effort by Motorola to preserve the AURA’s air of exclusivity; which means Motorola is attempting to force customers into only selling the AURA back to them, and probably at a much reduced price than the $2,000 it costs new.
Source – reghardware

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