Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Mobile Mania

Trends with Necessity

Most often, after much after thought when we do purchase a cell phone, after the initial jubilation, it’s quite likely that you might feel, that even here, it’s the same fundamentals that are at play as it is in life, in general. That the grass is greener at the other side! Much like marriage, where the longer you wait, its likely that you might get an even better deal (what with an even more understanding partner), so it is the case with mobile phones. After having purchased one, in all likely hood, you’ll find yourself admiring the cell phone that your colleague might possess!

In today’s corporate world, your sense of professionalism, is; believe it or not; measured (amongst other things), by the cell phone that you carry! Actually this makes sense to me! Imagine if you and your secretary had the same cell phone, possibly in a different color than your’s, you’d probably think even though it is for a second that there’s hardly a difference in both your statuses! I am not saying that you will, but the thought will cross your mind.

There are very few who understand, or let me place it this way, that there are very few geeks who understand that you cannot have both; either you have functionality, or you have the outer appearance of the cell phone that you may choose to purchase. You cannot say the case to be the same today of course, but then like I said earlier you only have to be a geek to identify that! Of course like it is with clothes and shoes, the color of your mobile phone (read as the most boring hues!) equally reflect the person you are.

Some Tips that may be useful for Cell Phone Users

These are a few pointers that you need to bear in mind while dealing with cell phones!

Firstly its not only the choice of phone, but how you use it that is important when you want to control the amount of radiation you are exposed to. Its important to note that along with style if you’d adhere to simple pointers that help you deal with technology in the best possible manner. The tips that follow help you to considerably reduce radiation and therefore health risks.

A simple fact is that the further away from your body the phone is, the less radiation you are exposed to. Therefore using a hands-free set is the easiest way to radically reduce the amount of radiation you are exposed to if you use a mobile phone.

Also by covering large areas of the phone with your hand, you can reduce its ability to send and receive signals. The phone thereby can increase its power and transmits stronger radiation to compensate this. You’d also find that at times, your ear suddenly throbs and you feel as if your heart is beating rapidly in your ear. That’s when your phone, thanks to the manner of your handling it, works harder to receive signals from its nearest station.

There are many people who make use of a particular beaded cap to the antenna of the phone under the pretext to preventing the radiation from reaching your brain. Its been proven that although it might cut the amount of radiation, there’s still no getting away from it!So the next time you pick up a call, please hold the phone as far down as possible, so it can operate at a low power.

The signal reception strength is always on display, irrespective of the model of your cell phone. When reception is good, the phone reduces power and radiation and uses maximum power and radiation if reception is poor, so please beware. Try making calls from your regular phone as far as possible, as the amount of radiation is directly connected to the length of time you talk on the mobile phone.

The radiation you are exposed to is directly related to the time you spend talking on your phone. For longer calls it is safer (and cheaper) to call from a regular phone. And please do not use a mobile phone when driving a car. Stop at a safe place and talk. It doesn’t matter how great you are at multi-tasking, you’re providing a great risk to your life!

Its best if you don’t use your mobile phone in places where there is a lot of electrical equipment, such as hospitals and aircraft. Do not bathe with your mobile phone. If large droplets of water come in contact with the machinery inside, it would take a while before it dries up, thereby increasing the radiation. Another intelligent tip would be not to let small children talk on your mobile phone for long periods. They are more susceptible than adults.

Show consideration to those around you when you have your phone with you. It’s not so much of the status as it may be the trying patience that you may experiment with your colleagues, as they may not be as keen on your phone as you are. And lastly, don’t forget to turn off your phone when you are in public places such as movie theatres and cafe. Making a habit of turning the cell phone off will be the best boon you would do for yourself!

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