Thursday, July 3, 2008

History of Cell Phones – Would you like to know?

There has been a rapid growth in demand for cell phones. Today, cell phones have become an important part of communicating with your friends and relatives. Cell Phones have become a must, not just for business men and working people but also for young college going youths. We all no about the importance of this handheld handset but have you ever thought as to from where this cell phone came into existence.

The history of cell phones goes back in the year 1843, a man by the name Michael Faraday studied to see if space could conduct electricity. This man in the process developed the cell phone, in the year 1865. The first person to come up with the idea of transmitting and receiving messages was Doctor Mahlon Loomis. He was the first person to communicate through the wireless atmosphere.

The first cell phone project was for Motorola in 1973 by Martin Copper. He was the one responsible to let the people of New York see it. The first cell phone was made in Chicago in 1977. Initially people were given the cell phone on a free trial to understand and study the product. Slowly and steadily many big companies joined hands and cell phone were found in over 54 places all over the world.

Future of Cell phones

From the year 1843 to now, cell phones have changes a lot. So also the future of cell phones will expect some changes. There will be change of numbers. They will be your social security number. This will change because the states numbers are getting mixed up. This will also change because different people have the same numbers. Future of cell phone is more advanced, by the year 2010 one can find every minute details of what ever phone you own on the internet.

Isabella Rodrigues writes for, offering the latest information on cell phones, visit them today and get the latest information on different types of free cell phones.

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