Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fake Nokia N79 pics offer a clue about the illusive original

Nokia N79
OK so before anyone of you start contemplating slapping me with a suit for misreporting, lemme get one thing clear: the pics shown above are of a “high-imitation” Nokia N79 and not the original. But you know what, I bet this Chinese copy can surely tell us a whole lot about what we can expect the real deal to look like. Though it certainly aint as impressive or innovative as the rest of the NSeries models have been so far we certainly adore this frame for its streamlined figure if nothing else. The color scheme certainly leaves a lot to be desired but I guess that fact will be (and should be) rectified in the original. On the whole the design does not differ much from your average Nokia scheme of things which in this case is a great thing because the last thing we want is a high-end NSeries phone to suck on account of a bad frame!

Nokia N79
Nokia N79
Nokia N79
Nokia N79

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